Luis Sousa

How much time do I have to claim compensation for flight delay or cancellation

How much time Do I Have to Claim Compensation for Flight Delay or Cancellation by Craig Goodspeed Facebook Instagram YOU CAN CHECK YOUR FLIGHT COMPENSATION FOR FREE HERE If you have been on a delayed or cancelled flight in the past 3 to 12 years I’m happy to tell you that the airline may owe […]

How Aireclaim can help you claim your flight compensation

How Aireclaim can help you claim your flight compensation by Craig Goodspeed Facebook Instagram YOU CAN CHECK YOUR FLIGHT COMPENSATION FOR FREE HERE If you are reading this article, it is likely that your flight was delayed or even cancelled. And you are looking for Aireclaim’s help to claim your flight compensation, right?  You arrived […]

Flight cancellation? Here’s a quick guide

Flight cancellation? Here’s a quick guide by Craig Goodspeed Facebook Instagram YOU CAN CHECK YOUR FLIGHT COMPENSATION FOR FREE HERE As a specialist in European regulation for air passengers I created a flight cancellation guide for you to know what to do in this kind of situation. I know from experience that a flight cancellation […]

Compensation for cancelled or delayed flight: Shall I get Help or File a Claim By Myself

Compensation for cancelled or delayed flight: shall I get help or file a claim by myself? by Craig Goodspeed Facebook Instagram YOU CAN CHECK YOUR FLIGHT COMPENSATION FOR FREE HERE If you had problems with a cancelled or delayed flight you are probably very angry and reluctant to smile. In this article I will explain […]

EU Air Passenger Rights: 10 things you must know

EU Air Passenger Rights: 10 things you must know by Craig Goodspeed Facebook Instagram YOU CAN CHECK YOUR FLIGHT COMPENSATION FOR FREE HERE Knowing your EU air passenger rights is the first step to demand compensation for flight problems, such as delays, cancellations or boarding denied in Europe.  If you’re flying to, or from, a […]

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